Middle School







Dagli 11 ai 14 anni


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BBS Middle School is a first level secondary school within the Italian system (paritaria). As with the BBS Primary, the Middle School curricula integrate Italian programmes with Cambridge Assessment International Education.

We offer a rich programme, two thirds of which is delivered in English by qualified mother tongue teachers, in collaboration with Italian teaching colleagues students who attend the Middle School leave with the both the Italian Middle School diploma and internationally recognised Cambridge Check Points.

This means students can go onto schools both in Italy and abroad.


Deeper and broader

BBS Middle School deepens knowledge learnt in primary school and broadens it to build a solid foundation for students to approach the next step in their learning journey. Italian and Cambridge programmes are fully integrated within the school.


Cambridge Assessment International Education is applied to:

  • English as a first language (for pupils who attend BBS Primary School) or as a second language (for pupils who join at Middle School level)
  • Mathematics and Information and Communication Technologies
  • Science
  • Physical Education

The Italian Programme is delivered for two- thirds of the time in English and is applied to the following subjects:

  • Italian and History
  • Mathematics and Science
  • Second language (either Spanish or German)
  • Art
  • Technology
  • Music

Students are offered a wide range of possibilities as core subjects. Sciences, maths and language learning, all core subjects, are strengthened with learning that will carry them through to further education.

Bilingual teaching

At BBS Middle School two thirds of teaching is delivered in English by qualified mother-tongue teachers. Students learn to use language in academic and specialised contexts. They are required to produce both written and oral English to reflect different contexts; daily life and academic. Use of language however is not seen as an end result, but rather as a tool to strengthen and heighten knowledge in core academic subjects.

Cambridge Exams

Cambridge Lower Secondary is a high level education programme that develops understanding and skills in English, Maths, Science and P.E. The programme offers resources for teachers and an evaluation system to record students’ progress and results.

Cambridge Final Exams

Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoints allow us to have a whole picture of a candidate’s the strengths and weakness in each subject.  These are held at the end of Middle School in year 3. They are marked externally by Cambridge and students are awarded a certificate highlighting results and an overview of their performance.

Discover more about Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint


Middle School Admission


Students who wish to attend BBS Middle School should have a good level of English when applying.

Pupils who did not attend BBS Primary are required to sit an entry test to determine their English level both at the end of year 5 Primary and at the end of August. If a student does not reach the required level, the school offers extra tuition in English at an extra cost.

Please contact us for further information.

Admission and fees


BBS Middle School combines Italian and Cambridge curricula to offer a fully integrated unique educational experience of the highest quality.

Teachers are trained in teaching one or more subjects to children from ages 11 to 14. English mother tongue teachers are accompanied by Italian colleagues and they work together to create transversal lessons. Teachers are experts in their fields and are passionate about sharing their knowledge with their students.

Roles and responsibilities

Middle School teachers are experts in their fields and as such should maintain a high level of training in order to keep up with latest academic developments, new resources available and changes in the curriculum.

Teachers are called upon to provide a wide range of activities and we ask for a proactive attitude when it comes to programming lessons. Teachers collaborate with colleagues, respecting different ideas and opinions and participating actively within the BBS community.

Open dialogue with students must be at the heart of the teaching style of each BBS Middle School teacher. A relationship is built that not only teaches academic objectives but, above all, demonstrates morals, skills and fundamental values to the students.

Teachers at BBS are asked to show a high level of enthusiasm in their lessons and in extra activities, such as debates, workshops and labs.

All of these practical activities should involve the full cohort of students and improve the learning experience.

Teachers in Middle School are also asked to support students in their path through school and beyond, by working with the counsellor to help pupils decide how to map out their future based on their abilities and aptitudes.

Discover more about Teaching

What to build?


“What I build is important for my future nd has an impact on others.” Self discipline and respect for other people.


“With the right tools, I can learn on my own”


“I know what I like and whwere I want to get to”


“I know what I am worth and I like the person I am becoming”


“At school I can find a safe place, a healthy place, a calm place”


“I want to discover new things and new ways of thinking or doing things.”


“No challenge is too big if you work together”


“One idea is a beginning, two ideas are a richness”

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“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.”