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External student access

Tutoring, guidance, wellbeing

The student is required to use and understand the English language in informal exchanges as well as when dealing with sectorial arguments. The perfect acquisition and the fluent and natural use of the language are not, however, conceived as ultimate goals, but rather as effective tools through which to convey and consolidate solid and fundamental knowledge. For students who do not come from a bilingual educational background, a dedicated induction and tutoring process is therefore guaranteed.

In the context of the BBS Middle School, student support is a process that involves all members of the school community, supporting a relatively short but certainly intense journey, since students go through the transition from childhood to adolescence at different times, in different ways and with different experiences, with all the changes that this phase entails, both on a human and educational level.
The existence and importance of the BBS Community in terms of integrated support is functional to the definition of a school environment that favours the acquisition of knowledge, but also the formation of balanced individuals, capable of facing challenges and exploiting their full potential.

Discover more about  BBS Community

  • Introductory interwiew

    We hold an introductory interview as a first step which can either be in person or online. Please call the School Office on 035 6591406, send an email to or fill in the form below.


    After a successful initial interview admission procedures will be arranged by the School Office. Admissions are based on numbers of places available. The admission procedure opens in December.

    If a child wishes to enter once the school year has begun, management reserves the right to request a further meeting with the child and their class teachers to assess their level of English.

  • A good level of English language skills is required when enrolling at BBS Middle School.

    Students who have not attended BBS Primary School must take an English level test at the end of the fifth grade and one at the end of August.

    For students who do not reach the required level of English, the school organises tutoring courses.

    Please contact the School’s Office on 035 6591406 to make an appointment with the management.

  • International STEAM High School

    BBS Middle School students

    • Interview with Head teacher or deputy with student and parents.
    • Review of Middle School portfolio
    • Interview with student and school Counsellor

    The Head Teacher or deputy will decide whether to admit the student in consultation with the counsellor and after a review of the student’s portfolio.

    Non BBS Middle School Student

    • Initial get to know you interview with Head teacher or deputy, student and family
    • School visit
    • Test of cognitive ability in Italian
    • English language test
    • Student meeting with counsellor

    The final decision on admission will be taken by the Head Teacher after consultation with the counsellor.


    • Initial get to know you interview with Head teacher or deputy, student and family
    • School visit
    • Test of cognitive ability in Italian
    • English language test
    • Written test: Student will write an essay in English. Student may choose the academic subject and school will choose the topic
    • Student meeting with counsellor

    The final decision on admission will be taken by the Head Teacher after consultation with the counsellor and review of the corrected essay.

  • International Sports High School

    BBS Middle School students

    • Interview with Head teacher or deputy with student and parents.
    • Review of Middle School portfolio
    • Interview with student and school Counsellor

    The Head Teacher or deputy will decide whether to admit the student in consultation with the counsellor and after a review of the student’s portfolio.

    Non BBS Middle School Student

    • Initial get to know you interview with Head teacher or deputy, student and family
    • School visit
    • Test of cognitive ability in Italian
    • English language test
    • Student meeting with counsellor

    The final decision on admission will be taken by the Head Teacher after consultation with the counsellor.

Let’s get in touch

For info and bookings please write
a, contact the School's Office on no. 035 6591406 or fill in the form.

    Scuola d'interesse