Our Vision


Years of experience

BBS is a bilingual school within the Italian school system created in Bergamo in 2011 under the direction of Patrizia Canzonieri. Bilingual British School bases its educational system on the close relationship between skills, contents, tradition, culture and innovation.

It is the result of a new way of making a school, where hard work and stamina have created an educational home that welcomes and guides pupils from Nursery all the way to the University.

BBS sees bilingualism as more than an aim, but rather as a vital tool in creating a strong education in both English and Italian.

Two languages, infinite possibilities

BBS is open to the world with an attitude that embraces change that characterises today’s employment world.

Bilingualism and especially the use of English as a teaching tool ensures a solid educational pathway that is both long-term and innovative. Our approach to bilingual teaching is based on the idea that both in school and in everyday life, knowledge is all. Language teaching is aimed at gathering many various skills and know-how which are essential in today’s ever changing world.

A teaching workshop
in constant movement

Bilingualism is paired with teaching methods that use experimentation, creativity and transversality as strong points. It is an organic academic reality, constantly being updated in line with the world. Its foundations are a solid cultural preparation created through creative and stimulating relationships.

At BBS we see ourselves as people oriented; we believe that for a teaching environment to strive for excellence means creating an open dialogue with all its stakeholders; teachers, students and families.

We hold regular workshops, training sessions and open forums for all the people within BBS.

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“Hard work, important satisfactions, greatest achievements”

A full life experience

Our ultimate aim is to promote our students and give them maximum worth by encouraging not only their knowledge acquisition, but also developing their talents and passions.

Teaching and meta-learning are linked in multidimensional teaching. At BBS we do not stop at theory. We create pathways for our pupils that mean they learn to manage and enhance what they learn according to their own aspirations. BBS promotes an educational pathway for excellence; one that is at times hard but fulfilling. It is carried out in a social context that focuses on wellbeing and satisfaction in the work done.

Discover more about Educational Journey