High School



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BBS High School Open Day

Una banana non è solo quello che sembra, ma un insieme di conoscenze interconnesse tra loro. Ecco perché, ai colloqui di ammissione delle università più prestigiose, non è improbabile che si chieda “Tell me about a banana” titolo – tra l’altro – del più noto manuale di preparazione per Oxford e Cambridge.

Una domanda di certo insolita che permette di testare le conoscenze accademiche e il pensiero critico di chi si candida. Per questo nasce BBS High School, con l’obiettivo di fornire le conoscenze più qualificate e la possibilità di operare in un contesto globale, garantendo cosi l’accesso alle migliori università del mondo.


BBS High School Open Day

Una banana non è solo quello che sembra, ma un insieme di conoscenze interconnesse tra loro. Ecco perché, ai colloqui di ammissione delle università più prestigiose, non è improbabile che si chieda “Tell me about a banana” titolo – tra l’altro – del più noto manuale di preparazione per Oxford e Cambridge.

Una domanda di certo insolita che permette di testare le conoscenze accademiche e il pensiero critico di chi si candida. Per questo nasce BBS High School, con l’obiettivo di fornire le conoscenze più qualificate e la possibilità di operare in un contesto globale, garantendo cosi l’accesso alle migliori università del mondo.

 →  Iscriviti all’Open Day del 13 maggio


Una banana non è solo quello che sembra, ma un insieme di conoscenze interconnesse tra loro. Ecco perché, ai colloqui di ammissione delle università più prestigiose, non è improbabile che si chieda “Tell me about a banana” titolo – tra l’altro – del più noto manuale di preparazione per Oxford e Cambridge.

Una domanda di certo insolita che permette di testare le conoscenze accademiche e il pensiero critico di chi si candida. Per questo nasce BBS High School, con l’obiettivo di fornire le conoscenze più qualificate e la possibilità di operare in un contesto globale, garantendo cosi l’accesso alle migliori università del mondo.

 →  Iscriviti all’Open Day del 13 maggio


BBS High School is born of the desire to complete an educational journey which started in Nursery School and takes a student to the doors of University. We want to prepare our students for academic life, both personally and professionally, giving them the tools to fulfil all their ambitions.

BBS High School is the answer to the need for a new type of school. One that is up-to-date, open to the world and able to respond to ever changing challenges of tomorrow’s job market.

BBS High School has a precise goal; to give its students the very real possibility to access some of the world’s most prestigious universities such as Cambridge and Oxford in the UK; Harvard, Yale, Brown, MIT in the USA; the Politecnico in Milan and the Normale in Pisa in Italy. We do this by equipping our students with active and highly specialised support and arming them with solid qualifications

A pathway to progression started at school gives our students the best chance at progress in life

BBS High School is a STEAM scientific High School. It is recognised by the Italian government so sits within the Italian system (paritaria). It’s educational offer covers 4 years of study and covers 5 fundamental teaching areas; science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics. Each subject does not stand alone but are all transversal to form a cohesive whole.

STEAM education opens doors to many different types of study. It gives students current professional know-how and skills and develops critical and creative thinking. Students learn to be flexible and innovative, whilst gaining solid foundations vital to all the subjects within a STEAM school. Our scheme of study provides students with the ability to communicate effectively, work collaboratively and continue their academic career with success.

This programme is based on concrete objectives which allow students to focus their intellectual energies on attaining specific targets. Families receive a clear, precise overview of their child’s study programme and teachers are able to deliver teaching in a way that best fits the needs of their students.


The study programme is divided into 4 years and based on the Cambridge model, rather than on the usual 5 years of the Italian High School system. The first two years (first bienno) forms the basis which the last two years broaden and develop.

Being able to graduate a year earlier means students can apply to Universities or start work earlier. BBS High School also offers its students the opportunity, if they wish, to undertake a fifth optional year which focuses entirely on entrance to the top universities by gaining further qualifications. This extra year also encompasses teaching and training on entry tests and essays.

The structure of the study programme has been thought out to be highly efficient in terms of academic input. It is such that it allows students concrete possibilities to achieve their ambitions at university and in their professional life. BBS High School offers a wide range of possibilities to its students, giving them as wide a choice as possible in determining the path they wish to choose.

Classes at BBS High School are delivered for two-thirds of the time in English, providing an extremely specialised linguistic approach. For us use of English in the classroom is not merely a means to develop language skills nor is it the ultimate objective of the school. We see English as a conduit to developing skills and knowledge needed to reach objectives that are bankable on a world stage.

Students of the High School can come from BBS Middle School or other international or bilingual schools. Students who wish to attend from regular Italian schools are also welcome and will have their own tailor-made educational path.

Our educational pathway

The first two years

The first two years of the High School offer all students the same educational academic model that combines the Italian Science High School curriculum with Cambridge IGCSE for Math, English as 1st/2nd Language, Science and History. This creates a solid reliable foundation for all our students.

Cambridge IGCSE is a highly recognised International qualification for young people aged between 14 and 16 years. It is accepted by prestigious International universities and employers all over the world.

As well as subject content, the Cambridge IGCSE programmes are structured around the application of  knowledge and understanding. They focus on intellectual research, flexibility and reactivity in the face of challenges and changes.


Years 3 & 4.

BBS has different pathway for years 3 and 4, each of which offers the possibility to broaden knowledge and gain specific qualifications for further study or the job market.

Three different pathways

  • The first two years of the High School offer all students the same educational academic model that combines the Italian Science High School curriculum with Cambridge IGCSE for Math, English as 1st/2nd Language, Science and History. This creates a solid reliable foundation for all our students.

    Cambridge IGCSE is a highly recognised International qualification for young people aged between 14 and 16 years. It is accepted by prestigious International universities and employers all over the world.

    As well as subject content, the Cambridge IGCSE programmes are structured around the application of  knowledge and understanding. They focus on intellectual research, flexibility and reactivity in the face of challenges and changes.

    Years 3 & 4.

    BBS has different pathway for years 3 and 4, each of which offers the possibility to broaden knowledge and gain specific qualifications for further study or the job market.

  • Pathway 1 carries on with the Italian programme of the STEAM scientific high school, broadening a student’s portfolio of knowledge gained during the first two years. At the same time, the student also takes the Cambridge International A Level programme. Cambridge International Advanced Levels (A’ Level) are qualifications for individual subjects to be taken over two years and are often a determining qualification for many universities. Obligatory A’ Levels are offered in English, Maths and Science. Optional A’ Levels are History, Business Studies and Design & Technology.

    The A’ level programme allows students to broaden their knowledge base in subjects they are particularly interested in, and ones which they may want to study at University. This pathway allows them to focus on their strengths. Their own interests are brought into focus in a international context. At the end of this pathway students obtain both an Italian diploma and a Cambridge International European Diploma.

  • Continuing Italian study scheme + AP exams

    Italian diploma + American exams


    Pathway 2 sees the Italian Scientific high school STEAM programme combined with the American Advanced Placement Program® (AP

    The Advanced Placement Program is an American programme that permits High School students to take course comparable to introductory university courses. Students choose which subjects to study and take an exam in each one in May. In the US, AP courses are considered to demonstrate a level of preparation on a par with early University courses. American universities allow students who have taken AP courses to use these credits towards their final degree exams and in many cases students can claim credit and therefore not necessarily do introductory courses in certain subjects.

    At the end of the four years of Pathway 2, students obtain their Italian diploma as well as AP qualification for the subjects they have studied. AP certificates are awarded by the governing American institution.

  • The third pathway offered by BBS High School is the IB – International Baccalaureate. This is an internationally recognised diploma offering an interesting and varied curriculum that is forward facing to the challenges of the world today.

    The IB allows students to obtain a high international level quaòification in both the contents they study and the methodologies taught.



    The BBS IB places subjects into 6 groups:

    group 1: language and literature;

    group 2: language acquisition (second language acquisition);

    group 3: Individuals and societies (disciplines from the social and economic sciences e.g. business and management studies, economics, anthropology, history and psychology)

    group 4: experimental sciences (biology, chemistry, physics, design and technology etc.);

    group 5: mathematics and ICT;

    group 6: the Arts (dance, music, drama, cinema visual arts etc.)

    Students choose one subject from the first five groups and one other chosen either from groups 1 – 5 or group 6. In the IB each subject is studied as in depth as the student wants. 3 subjects are chosen to be studied at an advance level, 3 at a standard level. There are two other mandatory components to the IB, TOK and CAS.


    TOK –  Theory of Knowledge – TOK is a transversal obligatory subject for all students and consists of an introductory course in epistemology. Its aim is to broaden critical thinking and challenge students to make connections between different teachings.


    CAS – Creative Art Services

    Our IB programme requires students to take part in artistic, sporting or community based activities during their time in school to help them broaden their creative output, develop a healthy attitude and encourage a civic sense of community. We believe these activities provide a 360° preparation for life. Students become responsible and socially active in non academic contexts.


    Final evaluation of a pathway and the final mark are made up of different criteria; exam results, grade averages, TOK and CAS activities and an extended essay. The students prepare after doing their own research, which focuses on a topic they have chosen from the subjects they have studied.


The BBS educational pathway aims to guarantee an excellent education with an International flavour. It is highly demanding in academic terms, and students and their families must be fully aware of the challenges in reaching professional and academic goals.

In order to aim high, such as entry into a prestigious foreign university, it is vital to take the right steps and make the right choices. Choosing the right pathway for you, the most interesting subjects and the best activities to enhance a future CV are all choices that need to be made.

BBS has set up a wide ranging counselling programme that accompanies students and their families. The counselling service starts in the first year and supports students and families throughout their school career. Together we work out the best solutions, tools and pathway for each student.

A school that aims to offer infinite possibilities needs to be able to translate these possibilities into concrete reality. It needs to be able to understand student needs and provide the tools necessary to answer any challenges.

The BBS counsellor works to help students understand themselves better, by working with them to explore their own personality and characteristics. The BBS counsellor’s objective is to ensure students have a deep understanding of their own abilities and skills. They foster in each student an attitude of self-determination so that each individual can find solutions and answers to their own needs and aspirations.

The BBS counselling service is strengthened in year five by offering the students the opportunity to be supported whilst they are preparing admissions procedures. Help is given with practice tests, interviews and the acquisition of specific skills or qualifications requested by the universities the student has chosen to apply to.

Il percorso formativo proposto da BBS High School, puntando a garantire una formazione di eccellenza su scala globale, è da un lato impegnativo in termini accademici, dall’altro richiede un elevato grado di auto-coscienza di sé da parte degli studenti e di consapevolezza da parte delle famiglie rispetto agli obiettivi che si intende raggiungere in termini accademici e professionali.

Per raggiungere obiettivi alti, come ad esempio l’ammissione in università prestigiose, è necessario compiere i giusti passi e fare le scelte più adeguate, anche in termini pratici: scegliere l’indirizzo adeguato, le materie più adatte, le attività che permettono di ottenere un curriculum idoneo alle candidature che si intenderà elaborare.
Per questo BBS High School dispone di un ampio e studiato programma di counselling, che accompagna gli studenti e le famiglie lungo tutto il percorso accademico già a partire dal primo anno, al fine di definire insieme le strade, gli strumenti, l’indirizzo più adeguati.

Le figure di counsellor di cui BBS si avvale operano con l’obiettivo di spronare gli studenti a conoscere a fondo sé stessi, attraverso un’autoesplorazione e un’autoanalisi approfondite. L’obiettivo a cui mira un counselor è sviluppare negli studenti una profonda consapevolezza delle proprie capacità e attitudini e allo stesso tempo un atteggiamento di autodeterminazione che consenta loro di trovare le soluzioni e le risposte più efficaci rispetto alle esigenze e alle aspirazioni personali.

BBS potenzia ulteriormente l’attività di councelling offrendo al termine del percorso accademico ai propri studenti la possibilità di essere affiancati durante un quinto anno nell’elaborazione delle domande di ammissione, nella preparazione dei colloqui o dei test di ingresso e nell’acquisizione delle specifiche competenze o certificazioni richieste dalle università selezionate dallo studente per proseguire il proprio percorso di sviluppo accademico.

Discover more about Culture of Wellbeing


A High school to make your dreams come true.

BBS High School is a new kind of High School that will get you into the some of the most important universities in the world and help you become the person you want to be as an adult.

BBS High School is a four year STEAM High School. The educational pathway you choose will provide knowledge in sciences, maths, technology, engineering and the arts. Creativity is important at BBS. We believe it underpins, supports and develops scientific knowledge.

  • Our educational path is divided into two sections, each one lasts for two years (biennio).

    First biennio

    The first biennio is the same for all our students. It combines the Italian Science High School programme with the Cambridge programme in Maths, English as 1st/2nd Language, Science and History. The Cambridge programme leads to a Cambridge IGCSE qualification, which is accepted by the best universities in the world.


    The next two years (second biennio) offer 3 different pathways.

  • Pathway 1 combines Italian Science High School programmes with Cambridge International A Levels.

    Cambridge International Advanced Levels (A’ Level) are qualifications for separate subjects taken over two years and are often a determining qualification for many universities. Students take obligatory A’ Levels in English, Maths and Science and chose other A’ Levels subjects such as History, Business Studies and Design & Technology. At the end students receive a High School diploma that is valid in Italy as well as the International European Diploma.

  • Pathway 2 combines Italian Science High School programmes

    Pathway 2 sees the Italian Scientific high school STEAM programme integrated with the American Advanced Placement Program® (AP) which is an American programme that permits High School students to take courses comparable to introductory university courses. Students choose which subjects to study and take an exam in each one in May.

    You must have AP qualifications to get into American universities, as these qualifications demonstrate a level of preparation equal to early University courses. American Universities all have entry requirements and AP qualifications go a long way on a CV.

    At the end of the four years of Pathway 2 students will obtain their Italian diploma as well as AP qualification for the subjects they have studied. AP certificates are awarded by the governing American institution.

  • Pathway 3 is the IB – International Baccalaureate. This is an internationally recognised diploma that means a student can choose to attend any university in the world. It is accepted in universities and colleges in over 90 countries,

    Students chose six subjects to study, three at an advanced level and three at a standard level.

    BBS School offers six subject groups.

    group 1: language and literature;

    group 2: language acquisition (second language acquisition);

    group 3: Individuals and societies (disciplines from the social and economic sciences e.g. business and management studies, economics, anthropology, history and psychology)

    group 4: experimental sciences (biology, chemistry, physics, design and technology etc.);

    group 5: mathematics and ICT;

    group 6: the Arts (dance, music, drama, cinema, visual arts etc.)

    Students choose one subject from the first five groups and one other either from groups 1 – 5 or group 6. In the IB each subject is studied in as much depth as the student wants. 3 subjects are studied at an advanced level, 3 at a standard level. There are two other mandatory components to the IB, TOK and CAS.


    TOK –  Theory of Knowledge – TOK is a transversal obligatory subject for all students and consists of an introductory course in epistemology. Its aim is to broaden critical thinking and challenges students to make connections between different teachings.


    CAS – Creative Art Services is a programme of artistic, sporting or community based projects that takes place over the course of the four years. Our IB programme requires students to take part in artistic, sporting or community based activities during their time in school to help them broaden their creative output, develop a healthy attitude and encourage a civic sense of community. We believe these activities provide a 360° preparation in a young person for life. They become responsible and socially active in non academic contexts.


Students at the heart.

BBS High School is for today’s young person who will be the adult of tomorrow. We offer you the chance to make important decision about your own future; decisions that will affect tomorrow’s world.

At the heart of the BBS educational journey is the student. We ask for a consistent high degree of effort in shaping yourself and focusing your aims and ambitions. We help you channel your personality and your interests to find out where you want to get to, what job you want to do and which areas you want to develop. We even help you decide which country you want to live in!

We focus on end objectives and, with a tailor made process, we are able to define the necessary steps for each student to achieve their goals.

BBS students can acquire the knowledge, skills and competencies that they need to get into the best colleges and universities all over the world.


from here to anywhere

BBS High School is at XXXXX in Bergamo

Our educational offer includes study periods abroad that strengthen and support your learning (AIP)

BBS High School is, to all extents and purposes, an international school. We have a dedicated team of mother tongue teachers and we model our curricula on the British and American system. All this means that you can apply to any international university. BBS High School starts in Italy and takes you wherever you want to go.


A progressive school in a changing world.

The world is more open, changing and global. Schools needs to be able to provide a fresh, dynamic, interdisciplinary approach to offer its students. It has to allow them the freedom to define their interests. It needs to train students to grow autonomously in order to make the transition to university

Extra value in bilingualism

Most of the lessons at BBS High School are taught in English by mother tongue teachers. For us English is not only the language of everyday speech but it is also one of academic disciplines and professionalism. English means that students can engage in a dialogue of international calibre, enriching their perspective on topics they are studying and understanding different cultural points of view.

Extremely high quality education

BBS is, in all effects, an academic High School, in Italian a “liceo”. Our educational pathways use English, individual study programmes and extracurricular activities. All this means that we offer an extremely high quality education which is, inevitably, very demanding should you wish to enrol. Effort, hard work and a willingness to dedicate yourself to studies are fundamental prerequisites for anyone wishing to join BBS High School. You need to be motivated and want to get to the top to face challenges to achieve your goals.


4 years are better than 5

Time is a precious resource be it in the world of work or the world of academia.

We have decide to subscribe to a British and American model and shorten the length of time in High School to four years, so that knowledge is not dispersed and teaching can be more concentrated. Even though the amount of years is less, programmes do not change. Our four year programmes guarantee teaching in all the core subjects. Students can then carry on for a fifth optional year to dedicate themselves to university admission.

The Fifth year at BBS High School is therefore optional and is developed with highly personalised courses to support entrance requirements including extended essays and entrance tests.

BBS High School teachers are professional experts in their teaching field. They are required to plan, deliver and evaluate lessons according to the programme objectives. We guarantee a healthy and stimulating learning environment where students’ progress is carefully monitored.

BBS teachers are required to keep up to date with developments in their subject. They should be aware of new resources, methodologies and national and international objectives. Their role includes networking with other professionals, families and teachers both formally and informally.

Roles and responsibilities

BBS high school teachers should have a teaching style that is efficient and flexible. They need to have solid foundations but look forward to new horizons.

We believe that one sign of flexibility is being able to provide transversal lessons. Here collaboration and cooperation with all BBS teaching colleagues is paramount.

Teachers should keep up to date with new developments to support students in demanding courses.

We value our teachers to the bedrock of the system when it comes to the high quality education we give our students.

We ask our teachers to embrace values such as being proactive, being willing to dialogue with others, being inventive and creative, understanding constructive criticism. Needless to say sensitivity and enthusiasm are essential.

BBS requires its teaching staff to be armed with a high level of preparation including soft skills and shared values so that together we can create an educational journey that supports our students in becoming well rounded individuals

Discover more about teaching values

What to expect

At BBS we are strong believers in the idea of a school community. Opportunities for meetings, dialogue and exchanges with colleagues are essential. Each BBS teacher is asked to give their best and propose innovative solutions in the resolution of specific challenges or difficulties. We offer our teachers training workshops and courses which teachers attend according to their needs and interests.

The atmosphere at BBS is dynamic, demanding and ever changing. We are especially open to new ideas and initiatives. Each person at BBS is welcomed onto our community and becomes an integral part of a system that works together to create a better future for its students and for all its members with ambition and determination.

Previous experience

BBS teachers are asked to provide proof of teaching experience in schools and academia. Other experiences connected to teaching but not necessarily in a structured classroom (such as sport, summer camps, tutoring etc) are also looked upon favourably at interview.

Professional development

BBS High School is a dynamic environment that offers professional growth and development opportunities to its staff.

On the job training is offered and teachers are encouraged to carry on with their professional development, if it is relevant to their own role and the development of the school. Training is taken on-site or at training centres and topics include:

  • Curriculum challenges and techniques to resolve them
  • Developing project proposals for new initiatives
  • Introduction to Special Educational Needs (SEN)
  • Defining and evaluating objectives
  • Technology: safeguarding minors online

Teachers may also undertake longer training courses part-time according to their career objectives.

There are also professional qualifications available for school management.

Teachers may advance in their career by taking on more responsibility in terms of managing and coordinating interdisciplinary activities. They may also take on more leadership roles, where they will be asked to share best practice, knowledge and class skills with other colleagues both within BBS and outside it.